
".....I read somewhere recently that the key to investing is "stop dreaming and take action". After living a life of a gypsy, I was brought up short, realizing my own mortality with the death of my parents. With my inheritance I put a deposit on my home, a dream for my future. After a couple of years it became a nightmare where I was taking from one thing to pay off another. I have always been able to budget and save extremely well but I found myself slowly sinking. That is until I was introduced to Trevor Jones at Treker. After associating with Trevor and being guided by him..... I not only have come well on the way to owning my own home but have used it as an asset and now also have an investment property. The aim is to provide for my future when I am no longer working. I am hanging out for the next adventure. Trevor introduces me to. I know with certainty that I will be the beneficiary of his expertise and advice, to have choices. My future finances are secure with Treker to give me direction."

G. Brown - Vic.

Briefly About Us Treker Pty Ltd provides professional advices to individuals, families & businesses to be freed from the fear of debt and ultimately creating an ability to grow their financial wealth through the acquisition of property. Let Treker help assist you and your family in achieving dreams that you may have given up on!
Contact Information P (03) 9753 9490
F (03) 9753 9493

Mailing Address 12 Greenbank Court
Lysterfield, VIC 3156